Green tips to make a difference

1. Buy Green, buy Local, buy in Season

This possibly is the greatest consideration you can possibly integrate into your day to day way of life.

Benefits of buying local and according to seasons are not all tangible such as probable lower costs for instance but involve a wide array of consequences such as lower emissions of carbon dioxide caused by transport, stronger local economy and preservation of local cultures.

Next time you feel like ordering your favorite bottled water from half way across the globe, you may want to think again.

So while around, prefer Vallarta grown, Jalisco made and Mexican designed!

“Also, do not forget making a shopping list so that you make fewer trips!”

2. Implement every time you can energy efficient appliances
  • Change traditional light bulbs to CFL’s bulbs or LED now!

Granted, no one will get rich switching light bulbs, but while each bulb costs more, it uses 75% less energy and lasts 10-times longer - yielding a $30 savings over its lifetime.
An average home has 45 light bulbs, so at $5 per bulb, the cost of replacing all of them is $225. The cost-savings over their lifetime is $1,350, for a profit of $1,125 - five times the initial investment.
If you think fluorescent light looks ugly_ Think again! You might not be aware of the newest designs from cutting-edge manufacturers, including a new range of pleasant color temperatures, dimmable CFLs, bug lights, 3-way models, candelabra and flicker tip styles and more.

  • Buy FIDE certified (Mex) or Energy Star (USA, CAN) Appliances

Energy Star and FIDE labels were designed to take the guesswork out of appliance buying. Look for these labels, which mean the item is at least 10 to 50 percent more efficient than standard models (depending on the class of product). That means lower energy bills and less pollution, like you'll find with this Asko 'hidden' dishwasher.
More than 18,000 products in 35 different categories are covered in the Energy Star program, and most major manufacturers participate. Energy Star is a fixture in the showrooms of most retailers coast to coast.
A home fully equipped with Energy Star products will use about 30 percent less energy than a typical house, saving $600 a year. But remember, you don't have to rush out and replace every whiz-bang you own tomorrow. Go to to see qualified products and learn more.

  • Use Rechargeable Batteries

It may not sound like much at first, but investing in rechargeable batteries can save you some money over time. In general, the less you rely on single-use, disposable items, the less money you'll burn through.

  • Buy a Power Strip (or 2 or 3)

Another cheap hidden investment is the humble power strip.
Today's electronics use power even when you're not using them. Cell phone and other chargers left in the socket draw electricity even if they are done charging, or you've walked off with the phone.
This phantom load can be a significant drain on your wallet - around $200, justfor a flat screen plasma TV according to one estimate.
Hooking electronics that get infrequent use into a power strip lets you really turn them off when they're not in use.
A power strip might cost $30, but plugging that TV into it will have it paid off in just seven months. Go one step further and invest in a home energy monitor to see exactly what electronics are using the most electricity, so you can maximize the ROI on your new power strips.

3. Invest in Green Remodeling

It's a rough, uncertain time to be a homeowner. Plunging value, tightening credit and a soft economy mean fewer people have the funds to invest in major home-renovation projects. This trend is reflected in the slumps facing Home Depot, Lowe's and other home-improvement stores.
But there is some (green-tinged) light at the end of this dark tunnel; there are easy ways you can make quick fixes to your abode to boost its property value, without needing to refinance or inherit a fortune from a deceased uncle. Here are some steps that will save you money on those rising home bills, while improving your dwelling.

  • Hot water. Go Solar!

Solar passive technology is quite affordable, efficient and works perfectly even with limited sun exposure. It saves incredible quantities of carbon dioxide emissions by being a true 0 level emission technology.
You may need a back up plan for really cloudy days and tink about Installing a tankless water heater. It's probably easier and more affordable than you think.

  • Install Low-Flow Showerheads and Toilets

You'd probably rather not spend much time thinking about toilets, but it's a fact that most older models waste large amounts of water. In fact, more than 30 percent of indoor residential water use is flushed down the porcelain throne.
Decades ago, toilets used 5 gallons per flush, but readily available low-flow models use less than a gallon, and work great. American Standard, Toto and Kohler are leaders in the field.
Also save water and money, and still have ample water pressure, with a low-flow showerhead, which can slash bathing-water consumption 50 to 70 percent. The devices are simple to install and start at around $8. Many styles and features are available, including flow-adjusting dials and a pause button.

  • Fix Those Water Leaks

A dripping faucet or pipe joint is more than just an auditory annoyance. Besides driving you crazy, it can really add up to substantial water waste. One faulty faucet wastes 3 gallons of water per day, reports the U.S. Geological Survey.
Sometimes a leak is just a matter of a quick tighten, which almost anyone can do with pliers or a pipe wrench. Other times you get befuddled, or have a leak that is too hard to get to. In those cases it is worth calling a plumber, because not only will you see lower water bills over time, but you decrease the risk of mold, which is a serious threat both to home value and indoor air quality.
In Puerto Vallarta, water is abundant and relatively cheap (thanks to government subsidies) and may not represent at first a priority. But just imagine the amounts of energy required to pump, purify and circulate it.
It may be a cliché, but every drop does add up to your environmental footprint

“Turn off the shower or tap when soaping, shaving or brushing your teeth”

  • Install a Programmable Thermostat

It may not be the most thrilling piece of electronics you could buy yourself, but a programmable thermostat will pay for itself in one season, and save you time and hassle. By maintaining more constant heating and cooling levels, and always 'remembering' to turn down the heat at night, the average family will save $150 a year, according to the EPA.
That's impressive, considering that programmable thermostats can be picked up from major manufacturers for as little as $50. They don't contain mercury like the olden days, and are available at most home-improvement and hardware stores.
Installing one is usually only a matter of connecting up a few wires in the back once you remove your old one (shut off the power to the area). Generally anyone can do it with a screwdriver and the instructions. But if you have any doubt, it's a quick fix for an electrician or handyman.

  • Dodge Drafts and Seal Air Leaks (also valid for warm climates athough..)

Now, in our warm Puerto Vallarta, this recommendation is only valid for those Air Conditioning addicts who just cannot or refuse to acclimate. The best is to of course use AC as little as possible but this is easier said than done, especially if your construction has not been well designed.
Unfortunately architects trends have so far not been considering the local features and prioritized looks vs microclimates. Imagine the amounts of energy required to cool down all these ocean front towers.
Next time you choose your new home design, you may want to ask an arquitect specialized in bio-climatic design. Meanwhile, the following may interest you at least for your other home:
Perhaps one of the easiest ways to save money around the house is to seal off drafts, which can reduce your energy bills 5 to 30 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. With today's heating and cooling prices, that amounts to real money.
Check for window drafts by carefully holding an incense stick up to each frame and watch the smoke to see if there is a leak. (Be sure to remove all curtains first to avoid a fire.) Then use caulking or weather-stripping to seal the cracks. Make sure you cover any pipe outlets or cracks in the foundation. Also roll up an old towel, or buy or make a cute 'draft snake' to put over the crack in the bottom of doors (at the 'sill' or 'saddle').
You'll find that a less drafty house will also win applause from your residents and guests, as no one wants to feel like they're getting a cold shoulder.

4. Control your trash production

Choose re-usable vs disposable

  • Fabric shopping bags vs plastic
  • Degradable organic vs poisonous synthetic
  • Slow food vs fast food
  • Seperate your wastes by category, compost*

“Plastic bags, straws mostly end up in the ocean and…KILL”

*Even if local government is not paying much attention to recycling yet, this should not keep us from doing what is rightin our homes

5. Prefer Organic, grow your own

We humans love to play apprentice sorcerer for good and for bad. Growing food and breeding stocks are no exceptions and for the sake of increasing profitability, huge quantities of artificial fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics etc… are being used and end up in our plates. All of it cannot be good.
Do you and mother nature good and prefer organic produces every time you can.

6. Consider Green Cleaning Products and Techniques

Science and marketing have greatly pushed backwards and shadowed natural all time ways of doing things and not always has this been a benefit for the environment and our wallets.

Many all time products used before for simple tasks around the house did not need improvement really. Rediscover them in our separate article "Green Cleaning around the House"

7. Drive Smart, get a Fuel-Efficient Car, tune it and check your tires regularly, car pool, stop idling

In an age of high gas prices and economic turmoil, consumers are flocking away from large gas-guzzling SUVs and are snapping up smaller cars in record numbers. There's never been a better time to make the switch.
While next generation vehicles like Honda's Insight hybrid concept car (pictured) and electrics like the Chevy Volt and Tesla Roadster are coming (not to mention fuel cells), you can also do a lot to save fuel today, even with your current ride. For example, take extra junk out of your trunk, drive the speed limit and carpool and/or combine errands. Skip jackrabbit starts and don't idle your savings away.
Until you decide or get a chance to upgrade your car technologies, you may consider these simple details that can save you nearly 20% of your gas bill and car CO2 emissions:
Drive smooth. Use your overdrive. Take it easy. Apart from consuming much less fuel, you will dramatically increase your probabilities of reaching your destination safely or at all!
Did you know a clean air filter can improve gas mileage by as much as 10%, and can save you 28 cents a gallon? Yet nearly one in four cars needs an air filter replacement.
In addition, poor alignment and badly inflated tires force your engine to work harder (in addition to wearing out your tires), and this can reduce fuel economy by as much as 10%. Get a tune-up and replace that cracked gas cap to save even more.
Stop Idling! Every moment you spend idling your car's engine means needlessly wasting gas, as well as rougher wear on your vehicle. Idling for more than 10 seconds wastes more gas than is needed for startup. Overall, Americans idle away 2.9 billion gallons of gas a year, worth around $78.2 billion.
If your drive to work is 25 miles each way and at least half is in typical stop-and-go traffic, you'll save almost 10 percent of your monthly carbon emissions by carpooling. Not to mention the gas dollars you'll save and the fun you'll have sharing office gossip with your friends.

8. Think out of the box

Think a little outside the box. Consider taking a bus or train, which will save you big over time. The U.S. public transportation system saves 3.4 billion gallons of oil a year. Save even more by walking or biking short distances. Plus, consider moving closer to work, and asking your city for walkable "smart growth."
And think about how much time you can save. While you are not wasting it at the wheel (over two years of your life is being spent in traffic!!!), you can catch up with your e mails, get some work done on your lap top or BlackBerry.

9. Turn Off Your Computer

Save energy and wear and tear on your hardware by shutting down your computer at night. You'll save an average of $90 of electricity a year. The Department of Energy recommends shutting off your monitor if you aren't going to use it for more than 20 minutes, and the whole system if you're not going to use it for more than two hours.
Additionally, set properly the power management settings on your machine, and according to Intel, it can save you over 400-kilowatt hours annually. Depending on what you're shelling out for electricity, that's a savings of about $40 - $80 each year.
Head on down to the "start" menu and give 'er a click. From there, you'll want to click on "settings" and then "control panel." It's now time to double click on "power management." Under where it says "power schemes," choose "always on" from the drop-down list. Below the "settings for always on power scheme" tab, look for two drop-down lists, labeled "turn off monitor" and "turn off hard disks," respectively.
From each list select the amount of time you want your computer to wait before entering energy savings mode.
You may consider to upgrade your monitor. The new LCD monitors are good for about 100 Kwh/year of electricity savings! Ok, so that's not gonna save the whales, but if you're needing a new monitor, it's a good excuse to upgrade.
Oh yeah: Some of you are on Macs. It's even easier (of course) to implement these settings. Just go to the Apple pull-down menu, select "system preferences" and then "energy saver." It's all in there. You're on a Mac; you can figure it out.

10. Turn Down the Thermostat

It definitely pays to give a thought to your thermostat, since most households shell out 50 to 70% of their energy budgets on heating and cooling. For every degree you lower the thermostat, you'll save between 1 and 3% of your heating bill. Do the same thing in reverse with air conditioning

11. Wash Your Laundry in Cold Water and line dry

An easy way to clean green is to turn the dial on your washing machine to cold. Most loads don't need hot water, and 90% of the energy used by washing machines goes into heating. The higher the water temperature, the higher the cost to you and the planet.
Indulge yourself by sleeping each night on pillowcases and sheets freshened by sun and breeze, both of which naturally disinfect and lift stains. You'll also save energy, since automatic dryers use 6% of household electricity.

12. Sign Up for Green Energy

This does not work yet for Mexico unless you decide to produce your own energy as the Ultimate Green Home Owner. Back home to USA or Canada though, the choice is yours. More than half of all electricity consumers in the U.S. now have the option of purchasing green power from their utility. Find out how you can buy it by visiting the Department of Energy-s state-by-state list of providers. You can also check with your own utility to see what's available.

13. Visit Your Local Library

Instead of buying small mountains of books, CDs, DVDs and even magazines that you barely use, check materials out of your neighborhood library, or relax inside the quiet halls and browse on site. Over time, you can save a nice pile of cash.

14. Pay Bills Online

Save natural resources - as well as late fees - by enrolling in online bill-paying options. Paperless billing not only saves trees; it also eliminates the fossil fuel needed to get all those billing envelopes from them to you and back again. Plus, you'll save money on stamps.

15. Jettison Junk Mail

Thank god, this plague has not reached us in Mexico but here is something yu might consider to do back home:
Around 100 million trees and 28 billion gallons of water are used to send junk mail to Americans every year, according to You can stop 75% of unsolicited mail by registering on the Mail Preference Service on the Direct Marketing Association Website (for a fee of $1). Within 90 days, most unsolicited mail will stop.

16. Print on Two Sides

Know what? It's not that hard to print two sides on your computer. But even though most software programs give that option, most of us still print only on one side of the page. Consider this: the U.S. alone uses 4 million tons of copy paper annually, about 27 pounds per person. Save dough and your local landfill. Print 2-sides.

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